Monday, December 20, 2010

How: change a name in the name of birth on a certificate of naturalisation

Once your application for citizenship is approved, you receive a certificate of naturalization, you as an American citizen identified. To make changes or corrections to the document, must demonstrate that the corrections are justified. You send an order of the Court of Justice that verifies that your name has been changed. The u.s. Bureau of citizenship and immigration services then you a certificate corrects naturalization.Difficulty: EasyInstructionsThings, need: ApplicationOriginal certificate from the Court of Justice to geworden2 NaturalizationCopy identical passport photos color itself call $380 deposit fee1Obtain two identical colors of your passport size photos. Write your name and the number of exotic on the backs of two photos. 2Make, including a copy of the Court of Justice that shows your name on your original certificate of naturalization. 3Go USA, citizenship and immigration services website at is different. Click on "Forms". On the next screen scrolling the list forms, until you see that the form N-565 "request replacement naturalization citizenship document." N-565 application and instructions from N-565 as manual. 4Complete N-565 application black ink 5Mail download application, photos, original naturalization certificate and a copy by the Tribunal for Nebraska and Texas services sites, which is determined by the Member State you in (see manual for N-565 life). Enclosed a cheque for $380 payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security for the application fee. You will receive a new certificate of naturalisation with your new name as soon as your application and the documents reviewed and approved.

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