Saturday, May 7, 2011

Can accept a proxy checks? ...

A proxy is a written document that legally allows a party to an officer to conduct business on behalf of the party. ... .Two types of proxies are: general and limited. ... .IdentificationA general power of attorney gives an agent authority to most things you could do yourself by your name. ... .The agent may pay checks, invoices, contracts, borrow money and sign your name. ... .It can not be accepted or checks from the government or all of your real estate transactions with limited power behalf.LimitedA attorney authorizes an agent to act just said to pay your name, like selling your car or cash your check.. ... .have a limited power of attorney access to a bank account, especially for their checks on your behalf and also accepting cash and checks.BenefitsPowers the Attorney General or to sign restricted, are able to check in your. with names. ... .This includes the recognition of the collection and receipt of funds from any check until a check is issued by the government ....

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